Winter 2022 Quarterly Newsletter

Mar 23, 2022

Hanford Communities is pleased to share Hanford-related news and updates through the Winter 2022 Newsletter.

As a reminder, our newsletters are prepared on a quarterly basis, recapping Hanford-related events and stories that affect the Tri-Cities community. If you’re not on our email distribution list already and would like to receive updates, feel free to sign up here. And let us know if you have suggestions for topics we should cover in future newsletters!

Representing local governments in our region on Hanford issues, we are dedicated to bridging the gap between Hanford Site cleanup and our community. We’re committed to a safe and effective Hanford cleanup, and promoting opportunities for the public to be part of the conversation. Here’s what we covered in the Winter 2022 Hanford Communities newsletter…



In this issue:

  1. New Era in Hanford Tank Waste Treatment
  2. DOE Estimates $100s of Billions Needed to Finish Hanford Nuclear Waste Cleanup
  3. Hanford Completes Historic Cleanup at Iconic Plutonium Finishing Plant
  4. Congress Adopts Record High Budget to Clean Up Hanford
  5. All Hanford Double-Shell Tank Farms Now Equipped with Upgraded Ventilation Systems
  6. A Safer Solution: Radioactive Capsule Transfer Project at Hanford Moving Forward
  7. Seventh Hanford Reactor Building “Cocoon” Foundation Taking Shape
  8. Tri-City High School Student’s Hanford Documentary Premieres on the Big Screen

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