Tank Waste


The Tri-Party Agreement: A Framework for Hanford Cleanup

The Tri-Party Agreement: A Framework for Hanford Cleanup

After plutonium production ended at Hanford there was a great deal of uncertainty about the path forward for the Site, including the plan for cleanup.  On May 15, 1989, the plan began to take shape when the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Environmental Protection...

From Glow to Glass: The Journey of Hanford’s Radioactive Waste

From Glow to Glass: The Journey of Hanford’s Radioactive Waste

The signature radioactive blueish / green glow. We’ve all seen it in movies, and if you ever have the opportunity to see it in person, it’s eerily fascinating. But when tank waste is treated using a process called vitrification (turning waste into a glass like substance), does it still glow?

Over Thirty Years of Tank Waste Cleanup

Over Thirty Years of Tank Waste Cleanup

Hanford Communities understands how crucial Hanford Site cleanup is to Tri-Citians and surrounding communities. This complicated and precarious task has been a topic of vast importance for decades, and the recent progress we have been seeing is the result of years of milestones and achievements.