Applicants Sought to Serve on Hanford Advisory Board

Sep 26, 2023

This is a joint announcement from the Washington State Department of Ecology, U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Hanford Advisory Board (HAB) is seeking new members to advise federal and state agencies on the ongoing cleanup of the Hanford Site in southeast Washington.

The Tri-Party Agreement agencies — the U.S. Department of Energy (Energy), Washington State Department of Ecology, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — are accepting applications from September 5 – October 31 for several vacant seats on the board. The vacant seats are for members that represent the public-at-large, and organizations from communities near the Hanford Site and the region.

“We’re looking for new board members who are interested in or have a stake in the nuclear cleanup at Hanford,” said Susan Coleman, chair of the HAB. “A diversity of voices and perspectives will help shape advice and recommendations on Hanford cleanup that we provide to the Tri-Party Agreement agencies.”

The HAB is a nonpartisan representative body that strives to have board members that represent a broad and balanced mix of diverse interests affected by Hanford cleanup issues. As set forth in its charter, the primary mission of the board is to provide informed recommendations and advice to the Tri-Party Agreement agencies on selected major policy issues related to Hanford Site cleanup.

Members are expected to attend quarterly full board meetings and have the option to join topic-specific committees that also meet on a quarterly basis. HAB members are not paid, but do receive reimbursement for travel expenses while attending meetings.

The Hanford Site produced more than 70 tons of plutonium from World War II through the Cold War. When plutonium production ceased in 1989, the site’s mission shifted to cleaning up the chemical and radioactive waste left behind.

Energy is the federal agency responsible for Hanford and its cleanup. Ecology and the EPA are the regulators overseeing Energy’s cleanup under the Tri-Party Agreement, a judicial Consent Decree, and various permits.

Since 1994, the HAB has passed 314 pieces of advice to the Tri-Party Agencies.

Applications for membership and more information about the HAB can be found on Energy’s website. Apply by Oct. 31, 2023. Application instructions are on the application form.

If you or an organization you’re a part of are interested in serving on the HAB and have further questions, please reach out to any of the contacts below.


U.S. Department of Energy
Geoff Tyree
Hanford Office of Communications / 509-308-4287

Washington Department of Ecology
Ryan Miller
Communications Manager / 509-537-2228

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Roberto Armijo
Remedial Project Manager / 509-376-3749

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